Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Daily Devotional - 11/17

Prayer Focus - Needs

Day 6
Pray for:
One thing that is needed in the world
One thing that is needed in your country
One thing that is needed in your state/region
One thing that is needed in your city
One thing that is needed in your family
One thing that is needed at your work or in your social circle

Pray about:
How it will help those concerned with their spiritual life
How it will help those concerned with their physical life
How it will help those concerned with their emotional life
How it will help those concerned with their mental life

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 77

"I cried out to God for help; I cried out to God to hear me. When I was in distress, I sought the Lord; at night I stretched out untiring hands and my soul refused to be comforted." ( vs. 1-2)

"I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember Your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all Your works and consider all Your mighty deeds. You are the God who performs miracles; You display Your power among the peoples." (vs. 11-12, 14)

"You led Your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron." (vs. 20)

The keys to spiritual success are to cry out to God unceasingly, remember His incredible power and the ways He has rescued us in the past, remember He works miracles, and follow the people He has put in our lives to guide us spiritually. If we obey God and His directions, He will be able to bless us. I am convinced that to the degree that I obey His word, I will be blessed. The more I obey, the more I open the door for Him to be able and willing to bless me. I do not reward my children when they are disobeying me and having bad attitudes. Neither does God. I wait until they are doing well with what is required of them and walking in communion with me. Is God not like this? Why do we expect good from Him when we are unwilling to give Him what He requires and expects from us. He has laid down precepts that He expects to be fully obeyed (Psalms 119:4). This applies to my marriage, my parenting, my everyday life, my eating habits, and all the rest of my life. There is so much in the Bible for us to learn. Let us go after it as a loving child would go after pleasing their parents. It is worth it.

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

You are the God of miracles. Help us to remember that. Help us to obey more and more each day. We know and believe that You exist and that You reward those who earnestly seek You. We are seeking You. Help us to find You and grant us the strength to obey, now and forever

In Jesus' Name,


1. Do I cry out to God unceasingly? Am I determined in prayer or do I pray when it is convenient? How can I improve my prayer life? How can I be more consistent?

2. What miracles have I seen in my life? Do I meditate on God's power and miracles? Or do I focus more on my wants and needs? How can I change my perspective?

3. Who has God placed in my life to guide me right now? Am I following their guidance? Why or why not? Am I following anyone right now in any area of my life? Do I believe mentoring in any form is useful? Why or why not? Is my view in line with God's?

4. Am I obeying God's precepts? Which areas in my life are the most difficult for me to obey in? Why? Which are the easiest? Why? How can I become more obedient in my weak areas?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Daily Devotional - 11/16

Prayer Focus - Needs

Day 5
Pray for:
One thing that is needed in the world
One thing that is needed in your country
One thing that is needed in your state/region
One thing that is needed in your city
One thing that is needed in your family

Pray about:
How it will help those concerned with their spiritual life
How it will help those concerned with their physical life
How it will help those concerned with their emotional life
How it will help those concerned with their mental life

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 76

"In Judah God is known; His name is great in Israel. His tent is in Salem, His dwelling place in Zion...You alone are to be feared. Who can stand before You when You are angry?...Make vows to the Lord your God and fulfill them; let all the neighboring lands bring gifts to the One to be feared. He breaks the spirit of rulers; He is feared by the kings of the earth." (vs. 1-2, 7, 11-12)

God is known by His people. He dwells with us. What an awesome thought that we can know God and have Him live with us and deal with us. We know we don't deserve it. He alone is to be feared. It is easy for us to start fearing men because we can see them and they can speak to us and voice their displeasure. It is difficult to swim against the current or to have enemies when we want to be accepted. We have to come to grips with the fact that we will not be accepted by the world if we are truly following God. We should not even really want to, if we think about it. We need to focus on pleasing God. He alone is to be feared. Even the kings of earth will one day bow before Him. He is the true controller of everything. We need to remember that and then strive to fulfill our vows to Him. This should be our focus each and every day, and when it is, then we will be truly at peace no matter what comes.

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

We praise You for allowing us to know You. We want to know You better each and every day Help us to not waste the time we have with You and help us to walk in Your presence today. We want to fear You. Although fear is not popular, it is what is due You as You are able to give and take away all that we have and are. We praise You for Your goodness and mercy. Without both, we would not be able to stand. None of us are worthy. Help us to fulfill our vows and live lives pleasing to You. Guard our hearts and keep us from pride and arrogance. Help us to walk humbly before You.

In Jesus' Name,


1. Do I know God? Who would I describe my relationship with Him? Are we best friends, friends, acquaintances, or strangers? How can I deepen my relationship with Him?

2. Do I fear God? How do I feel about that concept? Do I shy away from it? Why do I feel as I do? Why do I need to fear God? How will that improve my relationship with Him and my obedience to His word?

3. What vows have I made to God? Am I fulfilling them? Why or why not? What do I need to start doing to fulfill them? Can I finish something I started and then forgot about?

4. Do I believe that everyone will bow before God someday? What is my views of other religions? Do I see them all the same or do I see the difference in Christianity? Do I see everyone as needing a relationship with God? Why or why not?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Daily Devotional - 11/15

Prayer Focus - Needs

Day 4
Pray for:
One thing that is needed in the world
One thing that is needed in your country
One thing that is needed in your state/region
One thing that is needed in your city

Pray about:
How it will help those concerned with their spiritual life
How it will help those concerned with their physical life
How it will help those concerned with their emotional life
How it will help those concerned with their mental life

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 75

"You say, 'I choose the appointed time; it is I who judge uprightly. When the earth and all its people quake, it is I who hold its pillars firm. To the arrogant I say, 'Boast no more, and to the wicked, 'Do not lift up your horns. Do not lift your horns against heaven; do not speak with outstretched neck.' No one from the east or the west or from the desert can exalt a man. But it is God who judges: He brings one down, He exalts another." ( vs. 2-8)

God is powerful and God is in control. He holds the earth together. He holds all the molecules in our bodies together. He knows what is going on. We are fallible but God is not. Our governments are fallible, but God is not. He knows. What a comfort that is if we are right with Him. Even though we try to exalt and bring one anther down, God must laugh at our efforts. He says that no one from anywhere on the earth can do this. Only He is the judge and only He truly knows who should be exalted and who should be brought down. We have all seen this. Someone is raised up and looked up to and then they fall. Often these people fall the hardest. We are shocked, but why should we be? They are just men like ourselves. We are easily fooled. Only God knows the hearts of men and that is what really counts. Sometimes it is the weakest among us and the ones that are despised that are truly the best. They might have hearts of gold and yet we in our arrogance and worldliness pass them by as undeserving. Let us leave judging to God and let us focus on ourselves. Let us make sure that we will be lifted up at the final day and will be able to hear the words, "Well done good and faithful servant." (Matt 25:23)

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

It is easy for us to look at man's outward appearance but You look at the heart. Help us to have pure hearts and help us to rid our lives of secret sins. We ask that our hearts be pleasing to You in every way and that we will be able to stand on the last day in faithfulness. You rise up and You tear down. You are the ultimate judge. We leave the judging of men's hearts to You. We can not know. Help us to do our best and leave the rest to You.

In Jesus' Name,


1. Do I meditate on God's power and ability to control everything that exists? How can I focus on this more?

2. Do I realize that wicked people will receive their just reward from God? Do I try to take revenge for wrongs I feel I have suffered? Is this righteous? How can I let the desire to take revenge go?

3. Do I look at people from a spiritual perspective? How do I evaluate others? Do I look at the outward appearance or the heart? How have I been fooled before?

4. Who are my heroes? Why? Are they truly deserving of my respect? Why or why not? If I do not have any heroes, why is that? Do I struggle with looking down on anyone? Why is this not right, and how can I stop doing this?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Daily Devotional - 11/18

Prayer Focus - Needs

Day 7
Pray for:
One thing that is needed in the world
One thing that is needed in your country
One thing that is needed in your state/region
One thing that is needed in your city
One thing that is needed in your family
One thing that is needed at your work or in your social circle
One thing that is needed in your life

Pray about:
How it will help those concerned with their spiritual life
How it will help those concerned with their physical life
How it will help those concerned with their emotional life
How it will help those concerned with their mental life

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 78

"The men of Ephraim, though armed with bows, turned back on the day of battle; they did not keep God's covenant and refused to live by His law. They forgot what He had done, the wonders He had shown them. He did miracles in the sight of their fathers in the land of Egypt, in the region of Zoan." ( vs. 9-12)

"They willfully put God to the test by demanding the food they craved. They spoke against God, saying, 'Can God spread a table in the desert? When He struck the rock, water gushed out, and streams flowed abundantly. But can He also give us food? Can He supply meat for His people?' when the Lord heard them, He was very angry; His fire broke out against Jacob, and His wrath rose against Israel, for they did not believe in God or trust in His deliverance." (vs. 18-22)

"In spite of all this, they kept on sinning; in spite of His wonders, they did not believe. So He ended their days in futility and their years in terror. Whenever God slew them, they would seek Him; they eagerly turned to Him again. They remembered that God was their Rock, that God Most High was their Redeemer. But then they would flatter Him with their mouths, lying to Him with their tongues; their hearts were not loyal to Him, they were not faithful to His covenant. Yet He was merciful; He forgave their iniquities and did not destroy them. Time after time He restrained His anger and did not stir up His full wrath. He remembered that they were but flesh, a passing breeze that does not return." (vs. 32-39)

There are many ways to displease God and this psalm uses the stories of the Israelites to remind us of what to avoid. The first thing to avoid is turning back on the day of battle. We are equipped for whatever we have to face because we have God with us. We must go up to battle when it is time. Next we must remember God's covenant and keep His laws. We have to obey. The third pitfall to avoid is ingratitude. We have to remember the miracles and wonders He has done in our lives and in the lives of those around us. The fourth way to displease God is to put Him willfully to the test. We do not need to make Him prove anything. He has already proved enough. We need to start believing and living out His word. Then we will see the victories in Christ. Next we need to not speak against God. We don't need to be doubting Him or being dissatisfied with what He provides. We can be so spoiled. We have our minds set on one thing and when God provides for us in a different way, we say, "Yeah but what about this?" We can be displeased in the midst of plenty. This is just not right.

We can anger God. Sometimes we think that no matter what, God just keeps on forgiving and doesn't really care what happens in our lives, good or bad. As long as most of the time we are decent people, (by our standards of course), then we will be okay with God as well. This is just not true. God went to so much trouble and pain to save us that it does matter to Him. He is invested in us and what we do. Each time we sin, it is a reminder to Him what Jesus had to go through. We need to realize this and realize that the Israelites wandered in the desert because of all of these previously mentioned sins. They did not get to go to the promised land, all because they did not go up to take what God had promised. They doubted God could get them into the promised land and so they got just what they believed. Let us believe in God and trust in His deliverance. Let us enter into His rest. Let us strive to avoid these problems that brought the Israelites down. We can be faithful. We can make it, with God.

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

The Israelites were Your promised people and You went to so much trouble to get them out of Egypt. You worked so many miracles in their lives and yet they still doubted and turned back on the day of battle. It is so important that we don't do this. We have to strive to believe and have faith. We want to enter into Your eternal rest. You have provided. Help us to live in such a way as to embrace Your will and covenants. You are great. We are grateful to be with You.

In Jesus' Name,


1. Do I turn back on the day of battle? Am I being a soldier of Christ? What battles am I being called to fight? What is my reaction? How can I be a better warrior?

2. Am I putting God to the test? Do I demand God prove Himself to me? In what areas am I tempted to do this?

3. What is my speech like towards God? Do I utter more praise or doubting? How can I focus more on praise and less on doubt?

4. Am I loyal to God? How do I show my loyalty? In what ways have I been unfaithful? How can I change this?

Daily Devotional - 11/14

Prayer Focus - Needs

Day 3
Pray for:
One thing that is needed in the world
One thing that is needed in your country
One thing that is needed in your state/region

Pray about:
How it will help those concerned with their spiritual life
How it will help those concerned with their physical life
How it will help those concerned with their emotional life
How it will help those concerned with their mental life

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 74

"We are given no miraculous signs; no prophets are left, and none of us knows how long this will be." ( vs. 9)

"But You, O God, are my king from of old; You bring salvation upon the earth." (vs. 12)

How do we respond when everything seems to be going wrong and there is no end in sight? This is the true test of our spirituality. It is easy to praise God when things are going well or when we are at the end of some long ordeal, but what about in the middle of it? How many of us have quit something because it seemed to difficult? We will never know how close we were to victory. God was not allowed the chance to finish His work in this area because we gave up. Quitting is a dangerous matter because once we quit one thing, the next time is so much easier. Soon we are experts at quitting and we have lost the self-discipline to complete anything. It takes effort to become skilled at something or to endure a difficult time but in the end we look back with a sense of pride and accomplishment. Our character has grown. We must stop quitting and start finishing!

In our spiritual life, it is just as important to stop being a quitter. We must begin finishing what we start. We need to set goals for ourselves and then see them through. This will develop our maturity and our ability to see a very difficult time through. Someday we may really need the ability to keep going when everything in our being says, "Stop, I can't handle it!" We can handle it - with God. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. We can with God, if He remains the Lord of our lives. Let us make and keep Him as King, no matter what comes and goes in our life. Then we will see the salvation of God now and in the life to come.

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

You are our King from of old. You bring us salvation. We know that hard times may come for us and we pray to be strong during them. Help us not to become quitters. Help us to finish what we start and see things through to the end. We know that in this way, we will become stronger and ready for whatever may come in the future. Help us to always cling to You and Your promises no matter how dark the road may seem. We know and believe that it is worth it and in the end we will be the victors if we remain with You..

In Jesus' Name,


1. Am I going through a difficult time right now? If so, how am I dealing with it? If not, the last time I went through a difficult time how did I deal with it?

2. Would I classify myself as more of a quitter or a finisher? What have I quit on lately? Why? What am I doing now that I am tempted to quit? What can I go back and finish that I quit? What other ways can I start working on becoming more of a finisher?

3. Am I making God the King and Lord of my life daily? How am I doing this? How can I improve?

4. How do I see God's salvation at work in my life? How have I seen it in the past? How do I hope to see it in the future?

Friday, November 13, 2009

Daily Devotional - 11/13

Prayer Focus - Needs

Day 2
Pray for:
One thing that is needed in the world
One thing that is needed in your country

Pray about:
How it will help those concerned with their spiritual life
How it will help those concerned with their physical life
How it will help those concerned with their emotional life
How it will help those concerned with their mental life

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 73

"Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart. But as for me, my feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold. For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked." ( vs. 1-2)

"This is what the wicked are like - always carefree, they increase in wealth. Surely in vain have I kept my heart pure; in vain have I washed my hands in innocence. All day long I have been plagued; I have been punished every morning...When I tried to understand all this, it was oppressive to me till I entered the sanctuary of God; then I understood their final destiny. Surely You place them on slippery ground; You cast them down to ruin. How suddenly are they destroyed, completely swept away by terrors! As a dream when one awakes, so when You arise, O Lord, You will despise them as fantasies." (vs. 13-14, 16-20)

"When my heart was grieved and my spirit embittered, I was senseless and ignorant; I was a brute beast before You. Yet I am always with You; You hold me by my right hand. You guide me with Your counsel, and afterward You will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but You? And earth has nothing I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." (vs. 21-26)

It is easy to lose sight of what is important. When we look around at others and compare ourselves with others, especially those not following God, we can end up dissatisfied with our lot. Those who are chasing after what the world offers can achieve quite a bit and I believe that Satan rewards them to help lead others astray. We can look at their schedules, which often have more free time and leisure activities, and begin to envy them. We can also envy their financial success as they often use unethical methods to get ahead. We can look at their fancy houses, clothes, and the like and then wonder why we are struggling and trying to do things God's way. But God does not promise wealth and success. God promises spiritual rewards.

If we lose sight of this we can easily slip. It is not hard to get to this point and we become like brute beasts when we start envying. We lose all of our dignity and integrity.  This is not what we want nor is it what God wants for us.  We need to get back to God and enter His sanctuary. We need to remember what will happen to all those who do not know Him. They will not endure. Whatever they are enjoying is for this life only.  When we die, we take nothing with us. Naked we came and naked we go. Without God, they will leave it all here and enter eternity impoverished.  They will be like a dream that is despised in the morning. ]

I don't want to be a bad dream to God. I want to be a good memory, and not even a memory, a good and faithful servant always with Him, serving Him for eternity.  The amazing thing is, that with God, this is possible.  God is still with us, even when we are faltering.  He is holding our hand and guiding us in the way that we should go. Everything may fail but God will not. God is our strength forever.

"But as for me, it is good to be near God." (vs. 28a)

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

We know You are good. We have always known this in our souls, yet we slip so easily. We are like Peter who took his eyes off you when he was walking on the water. We sink. We begin to look at those around us and begin to envy their prosperity and ease. Help us to enter into Your sanctuary on a daily basis so that we will remember their final destiny. Help us to remember what life is all about and that the eternal is what truly matters. We ask to not be like brute beasts but like those that have integrity and uprightness. We do not want to be a bad dream to You. We do not want to be despised when You awake. We do not want to be swept away by terrors or cast down to ruin. Help us to live for eternity and to live clearly and simply. You are here guiding us. Help us to not fight Your guidance, but to embrace it. We thank You for being our strength and our portion forever. You are all we have. There is nothing better than You. We desire nothing else than to please You.

In Jesus' Name,


1. What things cause me to envy the most? What circumstances and people cause me the most trouble? How can I combat this?

2. Do I ever feel that I am trying so hard and yet it is all in vain? Do I feel this way when I am forgetting all the good things that God has done for me? How can I rekindle my gratitude?

3. How can I enter into the sanctuary of God on a daily basis? What places and settings help me to remember my spiritual perspective and get back to being grounded in what is important again? How can I incorporate these things into my daily life?

4. How is God guiding me? Am I receptive to His leading through His word, others, and my inner conscience? How can I become more receptive? Am I being still so that I can remember that God is God and allow myself to hear His voice?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Daily Devotional - 11/12

Prayer Focus - Needs

Day 1
Pray for:
One thing that is needed in the world

Focus on how this need being fulfilled will help those concerned's
spiritual life
physical life
emotional life
mental life

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 72

"He will be like rain falling on a mown field, like showers watering the earth. In his days the righteous will flourish; prosperity will abound till the moon is no more...For he will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help. He will take pity on the weak and the needy and save the needy from death." ( vs. 6-7, 12-13)

This psalm states at the beginning that it was written about Solomon. What a wonderful portrait of what a person could become. I would like this to be able to be said about me someday. I would like to be like rain on a mown field. That dewy freshness and revitalization that comes from a needed watering. I would like to be a protector of the weak and helpless. I would like to make a difference.

We often have great desires to do something. The problem is in our actions. God is able, but are we truly willing? Are we taking steps to do something? Perhaps we do not know what to do. I feel this way quite a bit and my problem is that when I don't know what to do, I don't do anything. I need to start doing something, anything, as long as it gets me moving in some direction. God can take care of the rest but if I do nothing, I receive nothing. I impact nothing. We must start and let God take care of the rest. Let tomorrow be the first day of the rest of our lives and let us dream of that beautiful field in the rain.

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

We have dreams to make a difference, and You have dreams to save the world. Help us to see that our dreams are possible, if they are in line with Yours. Help us to start moving in some direction because it is easier to move or redirect an object once it is moving than when it is at a complete stop. Help us to not be frozen with insecurity and indecision. You know what You have planned for our lives and the good works that You have prepared in advance for us to do. You are able to complete them if we are willing to act. You have put things on our heart for a reason. There are people that only we can reach and help. Help us to stop focusing on ourselves and help us to start making a difference for You. With You we will be able. Grant us strength.

In Jesus' Name,


1. Am I refreshing to others or a burden to them? Why? How can I become someone who refreshing, or become more like this if I already am?

2. Are the righteous flourishing because of me? Who am I helping or inspiring to be more godly? How am I helping them? What more could I do or how could I start doing this if I am not now?

3. Am I helping the needy and afflicted? How am I doing this? What more could I do or what could I start doing?

4. What is my dream or vision for my life? What good works do I feel I am equipped to do? What has been on my heart lately? What can I start doing? How can I begin or continue to make this dream/vision happen? Am I praying about my dream becoming what God's dream is for my life?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Daily Devotional - 11/11

Prayer Focus - Gratitude

Day 7
Pray for:
One thing you are grateful for about the country that you live in
One thing you are grateful for about the state/region that you live in
One thing you are grateful for about the city that you live in
One thing you are grateful for about the home that you live in
One thing you are grateful for about your family
One thing you are grateful for about your job/daily tasks
One thing you are grateful for about yourself

Thank God for how what you are grateful for affects:
your spiritual life
your physical life
your emotional life
your mental life

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 71

"In You, O Lord, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame. Rescue me and deliver me in Your righteousness; turn Your ear to me and save me. Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go; give the command to save me, for You are my rock and my fortress." ( vs. 1-3)

"For You have been my hope, O Sovereign Lord, my confidence since my youth... Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone...Be not far from me, O God; come quickly, O my God, to help me." (vs. 5, 9, & 12)

"But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise You more and more. My mouth will tell of Your righteousness, of Your salvation all day long, though I know not its measure." (vs. 14-15)

"Though You have made me see troubles, many and bitter, You will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth You will again bring me up. You will increase my honor and comfort me once again." (vs. 20-21)

I will always have hope. That is my choice. I will praise God more and more. Today I found it hard to praise God, but I will choose to do better tomorrow. My emotions will not control me, God will.

Today I felt old and worn out. I felt like nothing is ever accomplished in my life. I felt forgotten and alone. But in reality, none of these things are true save for in my mind. In my mind I rise or fall. In my mind I praise or curse. In my mind the battle is fought.

God is still God and though I am seeing troubles, many and bitter, He will restore me again. I believe this. So as for me, I will always have hope.

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

You are our refuge. As we grow older it can be discouraging to see all the things left undone. We had great dreams but You are still in control and Your dreams are greater than ours. We cannot even see tomorrow yet You hold all of time in Your hands. You are amazing and in You we can always have hope. Forgive us for our failures to believe and for our negativity. You will never let Your people fall or be put to shame. All we need to do is concentrate on being Your people and being pleasing to You. Help us in our unbelief. We choose to have hope. We choose to keep going. We choose You over an over again.

In Jesus' Name,


1. Why does God allow me to see troubles? What have I benefitted from them? Do I see how God has taken care of me through these times? Am I becoming better or bitter? How can I make sure that I become better as a person through the difficult times?

2. How am I doing in my relationship with God as I get older spiritually and physically? Am I as zealous as I once was? Am I more serious about my relationship with God than I was? How can I ensure that I am growing more mature as I grow older?

3. What fears and discouragements am I facing as I get older? How am I turning to God with them?

4. Am I tellling of God's salvation? Is my purpose the same as God's or have I taken on some other purpose for my life? How can I get back on track?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Daily Devotional - 11/10

Prayer Focus - Gratitude

Day 6
Pray for:
One thing you are grateful for about the country that you live in
One thing you are grateful for about the state/region that you live in
One thing you are grateful for about the city that you live in
One thing you are grateful for about the home that you live in
One thing you are grateful for about your family
One thing you are grateful for about your job/daily tasks

Thank God for how what you are grateful for affects:
your spiritual life
your physical life
your emotional life
your mental life

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 70

"But may all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; may those who love Your salvation always say, 'Let God be exalted!' Yet I am poor and needy; come quickly to me, O God. You are my help and my deliverer;." ( vs. 4-5)

There is so much to rejoice and be glad about concerning God. His salvation is awesome and comforting, but sometimes, we are still poor and needy. In spite of all the good things, we find ourselves down and struggling. Our temptation is to hide away and lick our wounds at this time, but we need to not run away from God at these times. We need to pray to Him and run to Him. We need to beg Him to come to us quickly. He will be our help and deliverer. He is not out to kick us when we are down. That is the world and sometimes what we also experienced in our families and our growing up experience, but it is not what we will find with God. He is not embarrassed by our weakness. We are not less because of our lack of perfection, in contrast, this is when God can work the most. Let us throw away our pride and run for help. It is okay. It is expected.

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

We are weak Lord. Even in our best of times, we are still weak and small and insignificant. Help us to remember this in the good times and help us to cling to this in the bad times. Help us to remember that You are the God of miracles and of those that are not. You are the God that turns our weaknesses into strengths and who calls that which is not as though it were. Help us to run to You and not away when we are struggling. We all struggle at times. It is lonely if we do not turn to You and the comforts You provide in Your people and Your word. You are here for us. Help us to turn to You. Come quickly to us before we fade away.

In Jesus' Name,


1. Are there times when I feel down even when things are going well? What causes this in my life?

2. When I am feeling down, do I run to God or away? How does my past experiences affect my present relationship with God in these circumstances? What verses can I meditate on to help me change my thinking?

3. What situations make me feel down and needy? What am I struggling with right now that could draw me away from God?

4. Am I dealing with my troubles in a spiritual way? Do I need to rely more on God in prayer, scripture reading, or fellowship to deal with my needs and weaknesses? What is keeping me from doing what I need to do? What will I change to get the help I need?

Daily Devotional - 11/9

Prayer Focus - Gratitude

Day 5
Pray for:
One thing you are grateful for about the country that you live in
One thing you are grateful for about the state/region that you live in
One thing you are grateful for about the city that you live in
One thing you are grateful for about the home that you live in
One thing you are grateful for about your family

Thank God for how what you are grateful for affects:
your spiritual life
your physical life
your emotional life
your mental life

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 69

"My eyes fail, looking for my God...May those who hope in You not be disgraced because of me, ...But I pray to You, O Lord, in the time of Your favor; in Your great love, O God, answer me with Your sure salvation...Answer me, O Lord, out of the goodness of Your love; in Your great mercy turn to me. Do not hide Your face from Your servant; answer me quickly, for I am in trouble. Come near and rescue me; redeem me because of my foes... The Lord hears the needy and does not despise His captive people. Let heaven and earth praise Him, the seas and all that move in them, for God will save Zion and rebuild the cities of Judah. Then people will settle there and possess it; the children of His servants will inherit it, and those who love His name will dwell there." ( vs. 3b, 6a, 13, 16, 33-36)

God is here. God will restore and rebuild, even if right now everything lies in chaos around us and we struggle to get through each day. God will not despise us. The poor and needy will see and be glad. Our hearts will live. Our searching for God is not in vain. We will find Him and He will reward us if we are faithful.

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

We grow weary searching for You. We are looking. We are struggling but You are strong. You are waiting for us to come to You. You are not far from each one of us. Help us to clear all the fog from our vision and throw off the sin that so easily entangles us. Help us to run our race with perseverance and not lose sight of our goal to make it to be with You. Keep our sights eternal. We love You.

In Jesus' Name,


1. Am I disgracing God and/or my brothers and sisters by the way I am living? What do I need to change to be living a life that pleases God?

2. Am I praying and pleading with God about my needs? How often am I praying? Can I make a schedule that would enable me to have more time to pray? When is the best time for me to pray? Where is most effective?

3. What do I need God to rebuild in my life? In what way am I like the cities of Judah that were torn down? How can God restore me? Do I believe God can and desires to do this?

4. How will I be able to help others better once I am rebuilt by God? What is my vision for what my life could be like and what is my vision for how God could use me?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Daily Devotional - 11/8

Prayer Focus - Gratitude

Day 4
Pray for:
One thing you are grateful for about the country that you live in
One thing you are grateful for about the state/region that you live in
One thing you are grateful for about the city that you live in
One thing you are grateful for about the home that you live in

Thank God for how what you are grateful for affects:
your spiritual life
your physical life
your emotional life
your mental life

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 68

"But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful." ( vs. 3)

"A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families, He leads froth the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land." ( vs. 5-6)

"You gave abundant showers, O God; You refreshed Your weary inheritance. Your people settled in it, and from Your bounty, O God, You provided for the poor." (vs. 9-10)

"The chariots of God are tens of thousands and thousands of thousands; the Lord has come from Sinai into His sanctuary" (vs. 7)

"Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death." (vs. 19-20)

"You are awesome, O God, in Your sanctuary; the God of Israel gives power and strength to His people. Praise be to God!" (vs. 35)

God is awesome. We can be glad and rejoice because God has thousands of thousands of chariots and warriors and God is looking out for us in all of our situations. If we are lonely. If we are fatherless. If we are widows. God knows our needs and is more than able to meet them. We do not need to worry. That will only bring sin into our lives. God will refresh and provide for us. He will even daily bear our burdens for us. We only need to be obedient. If we are rebellious, we will reap the consequences of that. We will live in a scorched land in the midst of what could be plenty. I have known people who have everything and yet are miserable. I am led to believe that they must have been rebellious in some way. Perhaps it was rebellion in the heart that was only visible to God but that is all that matters. He has asked us to be in submission to Him in order to receive the blessing and that is what we need to be. God will save. God will give us strength. Praise be to God!

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

We praise You for setting us in families and for caring for us in every stage of our lives. You will not abandon us when we are old and grey. O Lord help us to not abandon You. Keep us as enamoured with You as we were when we first began to follow. You have not changed. We are the ones who change so often. Keep us in the shelter of Your circle for there is danger outside the circle. Please bear our burdens for they are too much for us. Help us to not be rebellious in any way. We do not want to live in the sun scorched land but rather in the beautiful pastures of the Lord. Bring Your chariots to surround and protect us. Grant us strength to continue. We are weary and weak but You are strong.

In Jesus' Name,


1. Which of the four categories mentioned best fits me - the fatherless, the widow, the lonely, the prisoner? How can or has God helped me in these situations?

2. Am I a rebellious person? How do I feel about authority in general? How do I feel about authority in my life? Are my views in line with God's? How become more submissive to God?

3. Am I living a refreshed life or am I wandering in a sun-scorched desert? Am I weary? How can I change so that God can take care of me? Why do I struggle with letting God take charge in my life?

4. Am I letting God carry my daily burdens? What are these daily burdens? How can I let go of them?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Daily Devotional - 11/7

Prayer Focus - Gratitude

Day 2
Pray for:
One thing you are grateful for about the country that you live in
One thing you are grateful for about the state/region that you live in
One thing you are grateful for about the city that you live in

Thank God for how what you are grateful for affects:
your spiritual life
your physical life
your emotional life
your mental life

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 67

"May the peoples praise You, O God; may all the peoples praise You. Then the land will yield its harvest, and God, our God, will bless us. God will bless us, and all the ends of the earth will fear Him." ( vs. 5-7)

These three verses hold a key to the enrichment of our lives. I was so excited the first time I realized what they were saying. We all would like to see blessings in our lives and would like to see our activities and undertakings be successful. Often we go about trying to get the blessing by praying and begging God for it. We ask for help and we ask for guidance, and sometimes we whine and complain about it not happening soon enough and the like. We work harder and we pour ourselves into whatever it is that has captured our attention at the moment. Often we become very self focused and unhappy. We do not receive the blessing, however, or reap the harvest because we are going about it all wrong. These verses begin by saying that we are to praise God and then the land will yield the harvest. We are to praise God first, before anything has happened. We try to harvest and then praise God. God says praise me first and then I will give the harvest and blessings. Once again, God's ways are completely opposite to ours.

God wants us to have faith. This is truly faith, to praise God first. Hebrews states that faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1). When we praise before we see something occurring, we are expressing our faith in God; communicating that He is able and willing to take care of us and meet our needs. This is what He loves to see; people who are willing to place it all in His care. People willing to be bold in their belief that God exists and rewards those who earnestly seek Him. Let us praise God today and wait and see what happens.

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

We are praising You first. We are grateful for the ways that You will meet our needs and for the ways that You guide us. You know what we need and You know what is best for us. We are so grateful for Your care and praise You for allowing us the opportunity to exist. We praise You for all the exciting things that will happen tomorrow and we praise You for the ways that You will bring us victories over our enemies. We look forward to Your blessings and to the harvest that we will receive from You when we are faithful. We know that it is impossible to please You without faith. We want to have faith. Increase our faith today.

In Jesus' Name,


1. How important do I feel praising God is? Do I realize that my praise of God can ultimately lead to others learning to fear God?

2. Do I praise God before I receive something or only after? What areas of my life do I have strong faith in God to take care of? What areas do I have a weak faith about? Why?

3. What harvests am I waiting for? What blessings do I want to receive? In what ways has God already blessed me and brought me a harvest?

4. Do I have faith in God's ability and desire to take care of me? What makes it difficult to believe that God will bless me if I praise Him first? How can I have more faith so that I can do this?

Friday, November 6, 2009

Daily Devotional - 11/6

Prayer Focus - Gratitude

Day 2
Pray for:
One thing you are grateful for about the country that you live in
One thing you are grateful for the state/region that you live in

Thank God for how what you are grateful for affects:
your spiritual life
your physical life
your emotional life
your mental life

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 66

"Praise our God, O peoples, let the sound of His praise be heard; He has preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping. For You, O God, tested us; You refined us like silver. You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs. You let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance." ( vs. 8-12)

Once again we are reminded that sometimes God allows us to go through hard times in order to train and refine us. He lets testing go on to see what is in our hearts. Sometimes the testing is very intense but this does not mean God is upset or being mean to us. It is tough love that is willing to allow another to go through struggles so that in the long run they will win.

Our society has moved so far from this concept and many of the problems we see arising stem from this lack of the ability to endure. We don't want to have to struggle for anything. Instant gratification is king. No one wants to wait til they have money to spend it. I know that was me til I racked up a credit card debt that was insurmountable. No one wants to wait to get married in order to be involved physically. Very few people want to put in long hours of study and practice on order to learn a subject, skill, or trade (except of course if it's in athletics which is fun anyway and promises millions to the right individuals).

But God wants to change us from the inside out. He knows that nothing good comes without sacrifice and struggle. He allows this to happen because He wants us in heaven. If we can start living with eternity in our minds continually, our troubles will become light and momentary. Our entire lives will become a momentary spot on eternity and none of this will matter so much anymore. The only thing that matters is being right with God. He will bring us out to a place of abundance someday, and when that happens, we will be ready for it.

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

We will shout for joy today because we are alive. We will praise Your name because You are powerful. We will be grateful for all of the challenges and trials that come along because we know that they are refining us and making us into the men and women that will make a difference in the world. We praise you for not letting us go about in our own ways. We praise you for all of your guidance and all the second chances that You have given us. I will not cherish sin in my heart. I will keep a clear pathway for You to travel between where I am and where I need to be. You are good.

In Jesus' Name,


1. How do I praise God? How can I praise Him more?

2. What is going well in my life? What am I being tested in?

3. What prisons am I in? What burdens are on my back? Who is riding over my head? How am I dealing with all of these things?

4. Has God brought me out to my place of abundance yet? Am I cherishing any sin in my heart and therefore hindering God's ability to do work?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Daily Devotional - 11/4

Prayer Focus - Strangers

Day 7
Pray for:
One person you admire or look up to
One person you met/meet today
One person that is in the entertainment industry
One person in politics
One person you always see but have never spoken to
One person that you have read about that is still alive
One person that you have not met but struggle to like

Pray about:
Their physical needs
Their mental needs
Their emotional needs
Their spiritual needs

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 64

"Hear me, O God, as I voice my complaint; protect my life from the threat of the enemy." ( vs. 1)

It is okay to pour out our hearts to God, even if what we have to say is not always lovely. There are difficult and evil things going on in the world, and sometimes even in our own lives. God desires to hear from us. He is waiting. How incredible is that, that the Creator of the Universe waits to spend time with us. He is there in the morning, hoping we will make some extra time to sit down and have a coffee with Him. He has an appointment with us all day long. He walks with us and lives with us. We can ever turn to Him. He is concerned about the good, bad, and the ugly. I know that I like to hear all the little things that are going on in my children's days, and definitely if they look upset or unhappy, I want to know what is going on. God, of course, is even more concerned about us as He is the perfect Father. He will hear, and He will protect us.

"Surely the mind and heart of man are cunning. But God will shoot them with arrows; suddenly they will be struck down. He will turn their own tongues against them and bring them to ruin; all who see them will shake their heads in scorn. All mankind will fear; they will proclaim the works of God and ponder what He has done. Let the righteous rejoice in the Lord and take refuge in Hm; let all the upright in heart praise Him." (vs. 6b-10)

Men are devious. They think of so much evil, it is mind boggling. But in the end, God still wins. Sometimes He lets minor victories go to the enemy, but we know the final outcome. Evil men will be found out. Their words will incriminate them and bring ruin upon them. It is not for us to force, it will happen in God's timing. We need to remember this and we need to strive to keep our ways righteous because it is easy to envy the prosperous and those who go about seeking their own self interest. We are not living for the here and now, though. We are living for eternity and we need to take refuge in God and praise Him for His protection from the enemy. The rest will all come.

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

It is easy for the world to get us down. There is such a lack of civility and morality these days. It seems that there is much evil around us all the time. It is enough to drive one's spirits down and cause desperation, but we know that in the end, You win. Help us to hang onto that thought. You will not hand us over to be destroyed and you will not allow other things to get in the way of our knowing and loving You. You are great and greatly to be praised.

In Jesus' Name,


1. Do I voice my complaints to God or to others? How can I work on not being a complainer around other people? How can I be positive and encouraging to others and only give my complaints and frustrations to God?

2. Am I making time for God? Do I realize that God is waiting for me to come and spend time with Him? What can I do to make my time in the morning with Him a priority?

3. Do I let evil discourage me? How can I become more resilient when faced with evil?

4. Am I proclaiming the works of God and the wonders of what He has done? Am I letting others know how awesome our God is and what He has done in our lives? Am I developing a healthy respect and fear of God? How can I do this?

Daily Devotional - 11/3

Prayer Focus - Strangers

Day 6
Pray for:
One person you admire or look up to
One person you met/meet today
One person that is in the entertainment industry
One person in politics
One person you always see but have never spoken to
One person that you have read about that is still alive

Pray about:
Their physical needs
Their mental needs
Their emotional needs
Their spiritual needs

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 63

"I have seen You in the sanctuary and beheld Your power and Your glory. Because Your love is better than life, my lips will glorify You. I will praise You as long as I live, and in Your name I will lift up my hands. My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise You." ( vs. 2-5)

I have seen the power of God. I have seen Him change me. I have seen great victories. I would be nothing without Him and He is all that I have that is good. I have seen His power and glory. I must always remember that. His love is better than life. Life is a struggle, God's love is not. I will be satisfied. It is a choice.

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

We will be satisfied. We will turn our eyes to You and our hearts to remembering. We have beheld Your power and Your glory. We will remember. Help us when we are faltering and forgetting. Help us when we wander. We choose today to be satisfied. Your love is better than anything else that we have, as all that we have came from You. You are the great Giver. You are the perfect Father and Husband. We run to You and hide in the shelter of Your wings. Help us damaged people to be healed. Help us to learn to sing again and to be mentally, emotionally, physically, and especially spiritually healed so that we might be able to serve and worship You completely and acceptably. We humbly come before You. Please accept us today and always.

In Jesus' Name,


1. How has God's power been expressed in my life? Do I recognize God's glory? Am I praising Him daily?

2. Do I truly believe that God's love is better than life? How do I know this? How do I show it?

3. Am I satisfied with God alone? What tends to get me feeling dissatisfied? How can I stop allowing these things to distract me from God?

4. Am I letting God heal me? What do I need to be healed from? How can running to the shelter of God's wings heal me?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Daily Devotional - 11/2

Prayer Focus - Strangers

Day 5
Pray for:
One person you admire or look up to
One person you met/meet today
One person that is in the entertainment industry
One person in politics
One person you always see but have never spoken to

Pray about:
Their physical needs
Their mental needs
Their emotional needs
Their spiritual needs

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 62

"My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken." ( vs. 1-2)

"My salvation and my honor depend on God; He is my mighty Rock, my Refuge. Trust in Hm at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge." (vs. 7-8)

"One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard: that You, O God, are strong, and that You, O Lord, are loving. Surely You will reward each person according to what he has done." (vs. 11-12)

Nothing else can provide relief and rest for me except God. I can try many other avenues to peace and comfort but they will always be lacking. God is the only one that can save me. He is my strength. How incredible that I can cling to the promise that I will never be shaken. No matter what happens, I will not be shaken if I turn to God for my strength. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Phil 4:13)" I will trust in Him at all times, because He is good and He is able. Why would I trust in myself when I am so lacking? Why would I trust in others as well to do what only God can do? I need to get help from others when that is warranted and I need to depend on them emotionally as well. All the one another scriptures in the new testament point this out, but in the end, my ultimate trust has to be in God. Only God can master our bodies and our souls. Only God has the whole of eternity within his eyesight and grasp.

I will trust in Him and I will pour out my heart to Him as well. Although God knows all my thoughts before I think them, He still wants to hear them. That is such a strange thought to me, but it is what God has asked from us. There is something in speaking. It is a commitment. Until a thought is spoken, it can still be taken back and changed. Once it leaves our mouths, it is out there for all of eternity. There is no way to take it back. Perhaps this is why God wants us to pour out our hearts to Him. He wants us to commit to something; to commit to getting help from Him and commit to dealing with everything that is in our hearts. We cannot hide it anymore. We cannot run from it either. We can be healed now. God is our refuge.

Finally, I will remember that God is strong. That is a given which I need to remember. He is not like me. He is more than capable. He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). God is huge. "My God is so big, so strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God cannot do." Although these are the words of a children's song, they are apropos. I will also remember that God is loving. He loves me. He loves You. All of what He does day to day in maintaining and running the universe is in an effort to try and bring people back to Him. That is His ultimate goal and desire. He desires that all men are saved and come to a knowledge of the truth (I Tim 2:3-4). God will reward us if we are faithful. He will reward us for what we have done!

"Surely You will reward each person according to what he has done."

Let us do something worthy of being rewarded. Let us get going today.

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

We are coming to You. Our souls find rest in You alone. Thank You for providing us with the refuge that we so long for. We are lonely, weary travelers here. We are so different that sometimes it is tiresome. But You know. You are strong and You are loving. You will be here for us and provide for us. You are our fortress and refuge. We will trust in You. We will pour out our hearts to You. We will commit with our hearts and souls to serving You. We know You will reward us.

In Jesus' Name,


1. Am I finding rest in God alone? What other things do I try to find rest in? How can I turn more to God for the rest and refreshing that I need?

2. Am I easily shaken? What does my stability say about my relationship with God? How can I become more stable?

3. Which of the names for God mentioned here do I most identify with? What does it mean to me to know that God has these qualities? How can this help me to trust in Him at all times?

4. Am I remembering that God is strong and loving? Which of these is harder for me to remember? Why? Am I living as if I believed He was going to reward me according to what I have done? What would I change if I truly believed He was going to do this?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Daily Devotional - 11/1

Prayer Focus - Strangers

Day 4
Pray for:
One person you admire or look up to
One person you met/meet today
One person that is in the entertainment industry
One person in politics

Pray about:
Their physical needs
Their mental needs
Their emotional needs
Their spiritual needs

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 61

"Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to You, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For You have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe. I long to dwell in Your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of Your wings. For You have heard my vows, O God; You have given me the heritage of those who fear Your name. Increase the days of the king's life, his years for many generations. May he be enthroned in God's presence forever; appoint Your love and faithfulness to protect him. Then will I ever sing praise to Your name and fulfill my vows day after day." ( Psalms 61)

Listen to my prayer Lord because I am growing weaker. Haven't we all been there? We fight and fight and keep going and keep going and then it just feels like there is nothing left. There is a limit to us and what we can do. Praise God, however, there is no limit to Him. When life is overwhelming, we need to let Him lead us to that rock that we can climb up on and be safe from the waves that are battering us. He is our refuge.

I have to confess, I have been battered lately. I have been struggling with life. My Joelle has been sick since off and on since October 2 with her asthma and a cold/flu. Just when I think she is getting better, she gets worse again. I have been sick as well for about two weeks and then last night, my middle daughter develops a 102 fever. This would usually be not that big of a deal, but since she was exposed to H1N1 by at least two classmates, I was a bit stressed. I took both girls to the urgent care today and was told not to worry too much about Lorelei, and Joelle got a breathing treatment and some stronger medicine to try and get her asthma under control. Now tomorrow, my husband is supposed to start his second round of chemo and I am trying desperately to get my grades done in the midst of all this. I have missed so much work already and am debating if taking tomorrow off would be a good thing or not. My house is an utter disaster area and I am so tired. So these are my waves. This is what is battering me. Now I need to face them and then I need to get up and climb up on the rock that is higher than I.

I do long to dwell in God's tent. I want some shelter. I am tired of doing it all and being responsible for everything. God knows my vows. He has given me the heritage of those who fear His name. I am in good company. This is all just temporary and God has it all under control. I just need to climb out of the water I am sinking in and rest in Christ. Our health will get better and we will move on. I will get my grades done. I always do somehow or other. And God's love and faithfulness surround me and protect me. I will praise God. I will be positive in spite all of this. I will. I will fulfill my vows.

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

Lift us to the rock that is higher than we are. We need You as our refuge. This world is too hard for us alone. We are fading away. Help us to run to You. Help us to get out of the rough water that surrounds us and lift up our arms to You, our Father and our Protector. We have made vows to You and we need You to help us fulfill them. You are able. We search for Your love and faithfulness. We know they are there. We look for You. We long for You. Hear our cry O Lord for without You, we are lost.

In Jesus' Name,


1. Am I growing faint of working on something or dealing with some issue in my life? Am I bringing it to God daily in prayer?

2. Is God my refuge? How do I run to Him and take refuge in Him? How can I do this more?

3. Do I recognize God's love and faithfulness? How can these qualities of God protect me? How can I be more aware of them in my life?

4. Am I praising God? Am I fulfilling my vows? Which am I better at doing? How can I grow in the one I am weaker at?

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Daily Devotional - 10/31

Prayer Focus - Strangers

Day 3
Pray for:
One person you admire or look up to
One person you met/meet today
One person that is in the entertainment industry

Pray about:
Their physical needs
Their mental needs
Their emotional needs
Their spiritual needs

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Proverbs 31

"She is clothed with strength and dignity. She can laugh at the days to come" ( vs 25)

"She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks." (vs. 17)

These are my theme verses for this coming month. As I review October, it had its ups and downs. I don't think that I was very strong this month, however. My dignity level was not very high either and I know that I was not laughing about the days to come very much. I did work hard as this seems to be one of my strengths. Whatever my victories and failures, I will start over tomorrow in November. This coming month, I will be more consistent in every area. I will focus on what is important - people - and I will do better at remembering that all of this is fleeting. I want to look better and act better. Most of the time I feel like I am slip sliding away. Does anyone besides me remember that song? It goes, "You know the nearer your destination, the more you slip sliding away. (Paul Simon)" One thing gets done and fifty more pop up. I have to just take one day at a time. If I concentrate on doing good for one day, I can make that. I can't make the whole month, but I can make one day.

"Never underestimate the inevitability of gradualness." (anonymous)

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

Often we feel that we are slipping away, but You have a hold of us. You are helping us to climb up the hill. Although we inch along, we inch nonetheless. Help us to not give up because the progress seems too slow and the encouragement few and far between. Help us to go regardless of who follows and help us to become women and men of dignity and strength. Help us to laugh at the days to come. Help us to work hard. It is beyond us but it is not beyond You.

In Jesus' Name,


1. Would I consider myself a strong or weak person? Why?

2. What do I think it means to be clothed with dignity? Do I feel like I am a dignified person? What would a dignified person be like? How can I work on developing this quality in my life?

3. Do I laugh at the days to come? Am I consumed with worry? Do I know anyone who I would describe in this way? How are they able to cultivate this type of personality?

4. Do I work hard or am I kind of lazy? How can I be a harder worker? In what situations/places do I work hard and in which ones do I slack off? How can I work on doing better in the weak areas?

Daily Devotional - 10/30

Prayer Focus - Strangers

Day 2
Pray for:
One person you admire or look up to
One person you met/meet today

Pray about:
Their physical needs
Their mental needs
Their emotional needs
Their spiritual needs

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 60

"You have shown Your people desperate times;...But for those who fear You, You have raised a banner to be unfurled against the bow." ( vs 3a & 4)

"Give us aid against the enemy, for the help of man is worthless. With God we will gain the victory, and He will trample down our enemies." (vs. 11-12)

God never promised us life would be easy, just that He would be there. Sometimes He lets us go through terrible times, times when everything is sad and negative; desperate times the verse says. But if we fear God, we will gain the victory. No one else can help us and provide for us like He can. We will win in the end, if we stay with God and He will eliminate our enemies in the right time

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

We do go through desperate times sometimes, but You are still there. Help us to remember that as we get older You have victories in store for us, however, and we rely on them. Fill us with Your love and protection because the help of man is worthless. You are our only true victory.

In Jesus' Name,


1. What desperate times have I gone through? Am I going through such a time now?

2. Do I fear God? How do I know if I do or not? What can I do to develop a greater fear of the Lord?

3. Do I truly believe the help of man is worthless? Who do I turn to for help? Do I go to God first, or my friends first? Can I try for one hour/ one day/ one week to go to God first whenever I have a need or problem or even joy?

4. What enemies am I fighting? What victories do I need? What will I do to thank God when we (God and I) are victorious?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Daily Devotional - 10/29

Prayer Focus - Strangers

Day 1
Pray for:
One person you admire or look up to

Pray about:
Their physical needs
Their mental needs
Their emotional needs
Their spiritual needs

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 59

"But You, O Lord, laugh at them; You scoff at all those nations.  O my Strength, I watch for You; You, O God, are my fortress, my loving God.  God will go before me and will let me gloat over those who slander me." ( vs 8-9)

God is not worried by evil people.  He laughs at them and scoffs at them because He knows their days are numbered.  God knows the big picture and all I need to know is God.  I will watch for Him.  I will pray and then watch for the answers to come from Him.  I will watch for His provisions and for His ways of escape from the troubles that seem to outnumber me.  God is my fortress.  I can run to Him when I am troubled or under attack.  I need to be going to Him regardless!  He is my loving God.  He loves me.  I am special to Him in spite of all the trouble that overwhelms me.  The trouble does not mean that He does not love me.  Nothing of the sort.  The hardships are a part of life and what is needed to refine me for eternity.  I am to view hardship as discipline and training, and in fact, evidence of my Father's love.  God is going before me and I will not falter if I let Him clear the way and stay in the path He has carved out for me.

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

We are grateful that You go before us to clear the way.  Help us to walk in the path that You have prepared.  You are good.  We are grateful that nothing can hinder Your plan and that evil people are nothing but something to laugh and scoff at.  We get so worked up and worried over evil men but we need to leave them up to You.  Help us to let go of this.  You are our fortress.  Help us to run to You when we are tempted to worry or be discouraged.  You will keep us safe.  You love us.  We are so grateful for Your love.

In Jesus' Name,


1. Do I realize that evil people are best left up to God?  What do my actions show of what I believe?  Do I pray for these people?  Do I care about their eternal destiny?

2. Am I watching for God?  Am I asking God for anything?  Am I praying and waiting in eager expectation?  How can I improve this aspect of my relationship with God?

3. Do I believe God is going before me and clearing a path for me?  How do I know what the path He is preparing for me is?  How can I ensure I am following it?

4. What is God using in my life right now to train me?  Do I see my hardships as discipline and training from a God who loves me?  How have I seen good come out of my struggles?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Daily Devotional - 10/28

Prayer Focus - Enemies

Day 7
Pray for:
One person who was mean to you when you were a child
One person who has given you a lot of trouble recently
One person from your family (immediate or extended) that has given you trouble
One person from work or a social circle that has given you trouble
One person that you feel is a danger to your well being even though you have never met
One person who is unaware that they are hurting you
One person who you believe will never apologize for the pain they have caused you

Pray about:
Their physical needs
Their mental needs
Their emotional needs
Their spiritual needs
Your ability to offer complete forgiveness from your heart
Your ability to let go of the hurts and move on whether they will ever apologize or not

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 58

"Even from birth the wicked go astray; from the womb they are wayward and speak lies. Their venom is like the venom of a snake, like that of a cobra that has stopped its ears, that will not heed the tune of the charmer, however skillful the enchanter may be." ( vs 3-5)

This is a hard teaching, but some people are evil early on. Who knows why? They will not listen. God will purge them out and then the righteous will find relief. It is not to us to do the purging. We are to stay righteous and to love our enemies. We are to leave justice and revenge up to God who is sinless. He will do it. We do not have to be afraid and take matters into our own hands. We are to wait, and pray that we are never in the category of the wicked and of those who will not listen to anyone, even the most skillful at leading.

"The righteous will be glad when they are avenged, ...Then men will say, 'Surely the righteous are still rewarded; surely there is a God who judges the earth.' (vs. 10 -11)

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

We pray that we are never like the wicked men. Keep our hearts in tune to Your word and receptive to the help and assistance of others. Help us to always be willing to learn and grow. Help us to train our children so that they will not grow up into wicked men and women. It is a serious responsibility that You have given us and we pray for Your strength, wisdom, and guidance. We are waiting on You.

In Jesus' Name,


1. How do I feel about this idea that some people are wicked early on? How have I seen this in my life or in the lives of those around me?

2. Is it difficult for me to accept the idea of God's judgement? Why or why not? How can I develop a greater understanding and appreciation for this aspect of God's character?

3. How do I feel when I see injustice? How do I feel when I see justice done? Why?

4. How have I been unwilling to listen to others? How can this impact my life negatively? How can I change?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Daily Devotional - 10/27

Prayer Focus - Enemies

Day 6
Pray for:
One person who was mean to you when you were a child
One person who has given you a lot of trouble recently
One person from your family (immediate or extended) that has given you trouble
One person from work or a social circle that has given you trouble
One person that you feel is a danger to your well being even though you have never met
One person who is unaware that they are hurting you

Pray about:
Their physical needs
Their mental needs
Their emotional needs
Their spiritual needs
Your ability to offer complete forgiveness from your heart
Your ability to let go of the hurts and move on whether they will ever apologize or not

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 57

"Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me, for in You my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of Your wings until the disaster has passed. I cry out to God Most High, to God, who fulfills His purpose for me." ( vs 1 - 2)

God fulfills His purposes for us. It is not our will that succeeds. We can make all the plans in the world but in the end, it is what God wants that triumphs. This can be a relief if we are hiding in the shadow of His wings or a frustration if we are fighting His will for us. Hosea echoes this sentiment, "Who is wise? He will realize these things. Who is discerning? He will understand them. The ways of the Lord are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them." (Hosea 14:9)

"For great is Your love, reaching to the heavens; Your faithfulness reaches to the skies." (vs. 10)

If we consider the love God has for us, this walking in His will would not be so hard. When we know someone loves us, we are willing to do just about anything for them. God's love is all around us. It fills the heavens and reaches to the sky. We cannot, with our mortal eyes, detect where the sky starts and stops and so it is with God's love. We cannot tell, as humans, where His love starts and stops. It just is, like the air. Without the air, we would die. Without God's love, we would all die as well. Sometimes we hear the statement that how could there be so much bad in the world if God exists. If God didn't exist, that is all there would be. There would be no good anymore. God is love. God is goodness and kindness expressed. God is beauty. God is light. Without God, there would be none of that. It would be all evil and darkness all of the time. God gave us freewill, and Satan roams. I am grateful that there is God to cling to and that there is morning after night and sunshine after rain. I am glad there is God.

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

I am glad that You have a purpose for me. I had so many dreams as I was growing up, but now - I have You. As my life is half over, I see how fleeting our time is. We want to number our days right and focus on walking in Your ways and Your will. We can get so preoccupied in our successes and failures, but we are so minuscule in the scope of eternity. We run to the refuge of Your wings. We long for Your love and faithfulness. We get so exhausted. You have the strength. You are to be exalted. We thank You for giving us life and we praise Your glory and perfection. We know the world would be a dark dark place without You. Help us to reflect Your glory and shed more joy and hope into the world. Help us to make it a better place for our existence as well. We love You.

In Jesus' Name,


1. What purposes does God have for me? Am I walking in them or stumbling in them?

2. Do I believe God's ways are right? Which of God's ways are the most difficult for me to believe are right? Why?

3. What does God's love mean to me? Is it easy or difficult for me to comprehend? How can I have a deeper understanding of it?

4. How has God been faithful to me? Have I been faithful to God? How can I be more faithful?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Daily Devotional - 10/26

Prayer Focus - Enemies

Day 5
Pray for:
One person who was mean to you when you were a child
One person who has given you a lot of trouble recently
One person from your family (immediate or extended) that has given you trouble
One person from work or a social circle that has given you trouble
One person that you feel is an danger to your wellbeing even though you have never met

Pray about:
Their physical needs
Their mental needs
Their emotional needs
Their spiritual needs
Your ability to offer complete forgiveness from your heart
Your ability to let go of the hurts and move on whether they will ever apologize or not

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 56

"When I am afraid, I will trust in You.  In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid.  What can mortal man do to me?" ( vs 3 - 4)

"Record my lament; list my tears on Your scroll - are they not in Your record?" (vs. 8)

When I am afraid, I will trust in God. When I am afraid about Joelle's health, in God I will trust.  When I am afraid about my husband's health, in God I will trust. I will praise God in place of worry.  When I am tempted, I will praise instead.  I will not be afraid.

What can mortal man do to me? What bad can happen to me if I have God.  Nothing.  God knows all the tears I have cried.  He says He has recorded each one on His scroll, in His record.

"I am under vows to You, O God; I will present thank offerings to You.  For You have delivered me from death and my feet from stumbling that I may walk before God in the light of life." (vs. 12-13)

I have a responsibility to God.  I said that I would follow Him.  I need to fulfill my vows, and they are not burdensome.  I just need to follow.  Jesus said His yoke was easy and His burden light.  God's way should not be burdensome.  It should be paved with gratitude for what He has done for us.  He has delivered us and brought us out to freedom and light.  I will walk in the light of life, because Jesus provides the life and the light.  Death is dark.  My old way of life was dark but thanks be to God, that way is gone and I am now walking with Him. Let us not turn back. Let us fulfill our vows. Let us be thankful.

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

We are often afraid, but You are with us.  Help us to feel Your continual presence in a greater way each day.  There are many things that worry us and occupy our minds but You are what they should be fixed on.  Guide our thoughts and turn us back to You.  You know our struggles and our tears.  How amazing that You have recorded each and every tear.  You do care.  We want to walk in gratitude and in the light of Your presence, the light of Your life.  We turn away from our lives of darkness and death and want to live in the light.  Help us to rid all darkness from our life so that we can fulfill our vows and have true joy and life.  We love You.

In Jesus' Name,


1. What fears do I have? Am I turning to God with them?

2. What vows have I made to God? Am I fulfilling them?

3. What has God delivered me from? What was my life like before I was a Christian?

4. Am I walking in the light?  Is there anything that is hidden in the darkness still in my life?  Do I have people that I can discuss anything with?  Do I have a platform to be open and to get help?  Where could I go for that?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Daily Devotional - 10/25

Prayer Focus - Enemies

Day 4
Pray for:
One person who was mean to you when you were a child
One person who has given you a lot of trouble recently
One person from your family (immediate or extended) that has given you trouble
One person from work or a social circle that has given you trouble

Pray about:
Their physical needs
Their mental needs
Their emotional needs
Their spiritual needs
Your ability to offer complete forgiveness from your heart
Your ability to let go of the hurts and move on whether they will ever apologize or not

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 55

"Listen to my prayer , O God, do not ignore my plea; hear me and answer me. My thoughts trouble me and I am distraught at the voice of the enemy, at the stares of the wicked; for they bring down suffering upon me and revile me in their anger" ( vs 1 - 3)

The voice of the enemy. What a disturbing thought. Satan speaks to us, often in our thoughts. Random strange thoughts that we wonder about and think "Where did that come from". Ideas that we know are not good for us. Temptations. Satan prowls like a roaring lion (I Peter 5:8-9)and we are definitely in a spiritual battle (Ephesians 6:10-18). We forget so easily and then we are easy victims. We think that our thoughts are just our thoughts, and so why not indulge them. Why should we be so strict with what we think about, we reason. No one knows. What will this one thought do? But that is where all sin starts. It starts with just a thought indulged, a small desire, that over time grows and grows. James 1: 13 - 15 states, "When tempted, no one should say, 'God is tempting me.' For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death."

Satan plants a little thought like - I never do anything right - in our heads and then we begin to dwell on it. Soon we are angry and frustrated. This eventually becomes depression and negativity. We stop functioning properly and become completely inward focused. Satan has won, all from that little thought. Or how about - my husband/wife doesn't act like he/she loves me. We take that thought which might run through our head and begin to dwell on it. Soon, our husbands/wives are the worst individuals alive and we are so upset that we are the worst spouses alive as well. And it gets worse from there. We have to recognize that there is an enemy and it is not another human being. It is Satan and he will use whatever will work on us. We need to remember that we will hear his voice. That is why the Bible and God has said to take every thought captive (II Cor 10:3-5). It is that important.

"But I call to God and the Lord saves me. Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and He hears my voice. He ransoms me unharmed from the battle waged against me, even though many oppose me." (vs. 16-18)

We cannot win this battle alone though. We are no match for Satan and we should not even try to battle him alone. We need God to win the battle. We need God's word and we need an active prayer life. We need to be calling out to God continuously, morning, noon, and night. God will hear us but we have to call out to Him. We need to plead with Him. He will ransom us from this spiritual battle. His armies are much greater than Satan's. The story in Kings of when Elisha opened the servants eyes to see all the armies of the Lord can remind us of that fact and we can be comforted in our smaller troubles! (II Kings 6:8-23)

"Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall. But You, O God, will bring down the wicked into the pit of corruption;...But as for me, I trust in You." (vs. 22-23)

Let us cast our cares on the Lord because He cares for us and He will sustain us. He will never let the righteous fall. Let us be righteous, and let us choose God. Let us be able to say like the psalmist, despite what is going on around us and even if no one else was willing to follow God anymore, "But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord"

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

We are distraught, Lord, at the voice of the enemy and we are even more distraught that often we don't recognize that it is the enemy. Sharpen our ability to discern our thoughts and help us to take every thought captive. We know that what we dwell on impacts our lives and our actions. We want to dwell on what is wholesome, good, and lovely. Let us direct our thoughts to whatever is honorable and right. Guard our hearts and our minds and help us to turn continually to You for the help and the strength that we need to stand firm in this spiritual battle. Make us into mighty warriors, Father, because we know that that is what You desire for us. You desire the victory for us and for others. Help us to be part of the solution. We are casting our cares onto You and turning to You. We know that You will ransom us and we will do our part as well. You are great. You are our God.

In Jesus' Name,


1. Do I recognize that Satan can feed me thoughts? Am I taking captive every thought and striving to dwell on what is good? What thoughts from Satan am I especially prone to grab hold of and dwell on? What thoughts and verses can I use to counteract them?

2. Am I praying morning, noon, and night? What can I do to remind myself to pray more and especially at these three times? Where do I pray best? When have I felt most connected to God in prayer? How can I duplicate these times?

3. What cares do I need to cast on God in prayer? What verses can I memorize and meditate on that will remind me how much God does care for me?

4. Am I committed to trusting God no matter what happens? What would make me hesitate in my trust in God? What has made me turn back/look back in the past, even if it was just in my heart?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Daily Devotional - 10/24

Prayer Focus - Enemies

Day 3
Pray for:
One person who was mean to you when you were a child
One person who has given you a lot of trouble recently
One person from your family (immediate or extended) that has given you trouble at some point in time

Pray about:
Their physical needs
Their mental needs
Their emotional needs
Their spiritual needs
Your ability to offer complete forgiveness from your heart
Your ability to let go of the hurts and move on whether they will ever apologize or not

Dear Lord - Please open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey.

Psalms 54

"Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me....I will sacrifice a freewill offering to You; I will praise Your name, O Lord, for it is good. For He has delivered me from all my troubles, and my eyes have looked in triumph on my foes." ( vs 4 & 6-7)

God is my help. I have to repeat this to myself daily, hourly, and moment by moment. God is my help. He is the one who sustains me. There is so much to be done in my life. I must learn to separate the urgent from the important. I must learn to prioritize. And I must learn to rely more and more on the Lord who sustains me. I am learning to look at the worst that could happen and then look at it through God's eyes. For example, if my daughter should get sick with H1N1, which happens to be something on my mind on a regular basis right now, what would be the worst that could happen? Having asthma, she could get very sick. She could even die. I have had to think of this before. If this worst case scenario would happen, she would be in heaven. She would be happy and at peace forever. Since she is only five, she would be with God and would be spared all the heart ache that we face living on earth. I would be heartbroken, on the other hand, but at least I would know that she was safe and no longer had to suffer. I would not have to worry about whether or not she would grow up to know God. She would be there waiting for me. This tends to help me face the uncertainty of today. Even the worst would not be that bad when looked at in an eternal perspective.

So I will sacrifice a freewill offering to God. I will freely come and bring Him whatever I have to offer. I will not be forced to follow. I am so grateful that I am even allowed to participate. I would have nothing without God and I look forward to seeing how He will deliver me from all of my present troubles. He has amazed me up until now with how He has gotten me out of my past troubles. I am certain that I will look in triumph on my foes someday. And what a great day that will be!

Prayer for the Day

Dear Lord,

We look forward to the day that we will be able to look with triumph on our foes. You have delivered us so far and You will continue to deliver us. You are good, always good and we praise You. You are our help. You do sustain us. You get us up and put us to bed. You keep our hearts beating and our lungs pulling in oxygen. You are great and You deserve all the freewill offerings I can bring. Help us to not be like horses or mules that have to be pulled along. Help us to come willingly and eagerly to serve You. Forgive us in our failures to please You. We need You and praise You for Your mercy. Continue to walk with us and carry us when we are weak. We worship You.

In Jesus' Name,


1. How often do I think about God actually being with me in each present moment? Do I turn to Him for help in the moment or do I forget He is there?

2. Am I allowing God to prioritize my day and my time? Do I let Him get involved with the mundane areas of my life like house work or do I feel that God is only interested in the "big issues"?

3. How can I bring a freewill offering to God? Is my service and worship a joy or burden to me? What can I change to improve my attitude of joy when I am serving or worshiping God?

4. What are the foes in my life? What am I doing to conquer them? How will I feel when I am delivered and can look at them in triumph?