Focus Letter - G
Pray for:
Five things that you are thankful for beginning with the focus letter
Five people whose first or last name begins with the focus letter
A place that begins with the focus letter
A characteristic beginning with the focus letter you would like to see grow in you and your family
Dear Lord - open my ears to hear and grant me the strength to obey
Psalms 7
"O Lord my God, I take refuge in You; save and deliver me from all who pursue me, or they will tear me like a lion and rip me to pieces with no one to rescue me." (vs. 1-2)
I take refuge in God. My enemies pursue me. Often my thoughts are my enemies. My worries are my enemies relentlessly swirling in my head. I hear what I think is God's voice, yet I hesitate. I do not want to make waves. I do not want to make someone mad at me by telling them that I think something they did was not right. I am too weak to be bold and my thoughts pursue me. I need to take refuge in God, but does that mean hiding? I don't think so this time. I think it means take refuge in Him while I step out and speak.
Why is my voice hidden? Why am I afraid to speak, to have my own opinions and thoughts? I don't know, perhaps I never will. Perhaps it is just my personality but I cannot hide behind my personality. I must take refuge in God and trust that He will take care of me when I obey the commands that I find difficult. Sometimes I am afraid that I am in the wrong. I do not want to speak because I do not want to find out that I am incorrect. I want to hang on to my rightness more than my righteousness. But God knows if I am right or wrong anyway. I just need to obey and if I am right, He will protect me.
God also knows what is right and wrong and He knows when His righteousness has been violated. He searches the hearts and minds of people and He can correct them. I don't need to do His job for Him, but I do need to speak if He has put it on my heart. God judges the people, not me, but I am in charge of at least giving a warning (Ezekiel 3:16-21). If I do not give the warning, I will be held accountable for not doing it. That is frightening for a big coward like me. Also, there is the very challenging verse about being a coward. It groups cowardice in a category along with murderers (Rev 21:8). I need to step out and follow the leading of Christ.
"My shield is God Most High, who saves the upright in heart...I will give thanks to the Lord because of His righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High." (vs. 10 & 17)
I need to not be afraid because I am taking refuge in God and He is my shield. He will protect me from the anger of another or from disagreement. He saves the upright in heart. He will save me as long as I am righteous. Therefore, I must make sure I am righteous even when talking to someone about a disagreement or about some perceived wrong. I must be pure in heart and make sure that I have no evil intent at all, no matter what, because evil will come back to me. If I dig a pit, I will fall into it. It is that old saying, "what goes around, comes around."
And in all these struggles, I am still to rejoice in the Lord. I am to rejoice always, because God does not change. I can be gentle in conflict and confrontation because God is near. He is the one who will take care of everything. (Philippians 4:4-7) "Vengeance is mine saith the Lord" (Romans 12:17-21). Vengeance is not Lillian's. I have no right to take revenge. My role in any situation is to be gentle, and to warn, or at least to talk it out. To put it out there and let God do His work. I do not need to force anything. That would not be effective or righteous.
The Lord is near. He will take care of it in His time and in His way. Therefore, I will not be anxious. I will pray instead. I will present my requests to God, with thanksgiving that I am even alive to have problems and conflicts, and I will enjoy His peace. I will give thanks to Him because He is righteous. None of the rest of us are. We are all just travelers trying to get somewhere. Even the best of us are just fellow beggars trying to point others to the feast we have found. So I will rejoice, and I will give thanks, and I will give praise. And I, I will not be afraid anymore.
Prayer for the Day
Dear Lord,
Save us form our thoughts. It is difficult to be pure in our mind and our thoughts are our enemies. We struggle so much to keep our focus on You and to be godly. We are so far from You so much of the time. We long for peace and joy but find ourselves broken. You can heal everything. You can heal our thoughts, our minds, and our souls. You know exactly what is in our hearts, what we struggle with, what holds us back from the life You have for us. Help us to truly live as You would want. Help us to be open and communicative and to speak the truth in love. Help us to throw open our hearts and minds to others so that You can work in us and others. We ask all this of You and know that You hear.
In Jesus' Name,
1. How are my thoughts my enemies? What thoughts do I have that are not godly? How do I deal with them? How can I do a better job at taking my thoughts captive?
2. Do I speak the truth in love? Do I speak up about things that bother me or about issues I see in the lives of those I care about or even society at large? Why or why not? What holds me back? What can I do to deal with these things that hold me back?
3. Do I make sure I am righteous when I am speaking to someone about a disagreement or problem? Do I find myself in arguments often? Why? How am I contributing to the controversy? How can I handle my conflicts better?
4. Do I realize and hold onto the idea that the Lord is near? How can this help me to deal with conflicts better? Do I find myself arguing my point or trying to win in a conflict? Do I seek vengeance? Am I bitter and unforgiving toward anyone or any situation? How can I deal with these sins?
5. Do I rejoice in the Lord even in the midst of my struggles and conflicts? Would others describe me as a happy or unhappy person? Why? What excuses do I give for myself if I am not joyful or happy consistently? Are these excuses valid? How can I change and become joyful?
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Daily Devotional - 8/7/10 (9/7/09)
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