Day 2
Pray for:
One family member that you feel close to
One family member that you are not close to
Pray about:
Their physical needs
Their mental needs
Their emotional needs
Their spiritual needs
Dear Lord - Help me to listen to You each and every day and please grant me the strength to obey.
Psalms 39
"But when I was silent and still, not even saying anything good, my anguish increased." (vs. 2)
We were made to communicate. God is very communicative and we were made in His image. There is something very strong within us that wants to know and be known. But what about the quiet person one might ask? Do they have no desire? They say they do not. I do not know if that is really true. I would be considered a quiet, private person, and in fact, I am, but I do not think that is how I always was. There is also a large part of me that is troubled by this lack of deep communication in my life. I do want to be known. I do want to communicate, but I stop short every time. At some time in my life and in the lives of others like me, I believe there was some emotional, mental, spiritual, or physical damage that occurred and caused the person to shut off the world, perhaps because it is too painful. The decision was made that being alone was fine since it saved one a lot of trouble and hurt.
But this often creates festering individuals. I know because I was one. By the time I was 17, I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I appeared to have everything together but I was dying and going crazy inside. I was cut off from the world emotionally and I was warped because of this. Although I appeared to be a nice person superficially, I was not deep down and I knew that. I was failing everyone, especially myself and God. I truly believe in the saying to "watch out for the quiet ones" because often, (not always), there is a cauldron of anger and hatred inside that eventually erupts terribly. I know I was about ready to.
This damage occurs because we were made to communicate. Babies do not thrive with out love and caring which is a form of communication. If no one ever cares to listen to the real you, what message does one take away from that? They take away the message - "I am not worth listening to. My opinions are not worthwhile. Therefore I am not worthwhile. I am not special to anyone." This creates a low grade anger because we all want to be special. God made us that way. This bottling everything up inside is not good. We all have valuable lessons and resources to share. We need others and others need us. We are interconnected, whether we want to be or not. Plus, we need to be channels for the Lord's power to flow. Finally, we need to prevent the "crazies" caused by isolation from setting into our souls.
So, whether what we have to say is good or bad, we need to start communicating. If we don't, our anguish will increases as the psalmist states. When I finally started opening up to others while studying the Bible at 17, I really started to change and experience the freedom that I could have in Christ. I was able to let go of so many evil things and be transformed. I was able to have God restore sanity and stability to me. I am so grateful for this and although communication is still not my strength, I continually work on the process because I know it is vital to my survival. I still have difficulties but I know it is crucial to be open and communicate because I know how crazy I can become with isolation.
"Show me, O Lord, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life. " (vs. 4)
Communicating also helps us to remember what life is really all about. It is about people, not money, or things. We must remember that life is short. It is flying by. We need to pray to have God help us to remember this so that we don't waste time. When I am under the pressure of a deadline, I work hard. Otherwise I am led to procrastinate. In life, I must remember that I am under a deadline that is very permanent. I need to let that motivate me to make the most of every opportunity. I need to love fully, and live fully. I need to be about God's purpose, not mine. I need to look at what I do every moment of every day in the light of eternity. If I do this, I will be able to look at the end of my life with joy and not fear. I will be able to say, I have finished the race. That is what I long to be able to do; to know that I did my best all along the way and that I made a difference for being here.
'But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you." (vs. 7)
My hope is in God for all of this. He will give me direction. He will help me to dig out the stones embedded in my life that are hindering me from communicating as I would like and experiencing the deep friendships I desire. He knows that I want to make a difference in the world and He wants that for me as well. The only way I can ever make a difference though is by communicating. It is too overwhelming for me but it is not for God. I need to just focus on Him. He has given me this format as a start. I am good at writing and sharing things I could never share if I were speaking. Someday perhaps I will be able to do that well also. It is up to God.
God gives and God takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Prayer for the Day
Grant us the desire and the ability to speak freely what is on our hearts. You have made each one of us special to You and have placed thoughts and convictions on our hearts. We are made to love and be loved. Help us to give and receive this. Help us to clear out the obstacles that prevent us from glorifying You in this manner and help us to be able to forge deep relationships. We want to make a difference in the world and we want to please You. Help us to open our mouths in praise and in whatever else needs to come. We want to be channels for You to speak and love through us. We know You can do it.
In Jesus name,
1. Am I good or bad at communicating? Why or why not?
2. Do I share what is on my heart? Do I clear up issues with others? Am I speaking the truth in love to others?
3. Are my relationships close and do we communicate about what is really important to us?
4. Am I living my life like each day was my last? If today was my last day here, what would I do differently? How can I keep life in better perspective and spend more time on what is really important?
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